Stereo vision &&
Two eyes = three Dimensions 3D
Each eye captures its own view and the two separate images are sent on to the brain for processing.
When the two images arrive simultaneously in the back of the brain, they are united into one picture.
The mind combines the two images by matching up the similarities and adding in the small differences.
The small differences between the two images add up to a big difference in the final picture! The combined image is more than the sum of its parts.
It is a three-dimensional stereo picture.
The word "stereo" comes from the Greek word "stereos" which means firm or solid.
With stereo vision you see an object as solid in three spatial dimensions--width, height and depth ،، or x, y and z.
It is the added perception of the depth dimension that makes stereo vision so rich and special.
Stereo Vision Has Many Advantages
Stereo vision--or stereoscopic vision --probably evolved as a means of survival.
With stereo vision, we can see WHERE objects are in relation to our own bodies with much greater precision--especially when those objects are moving toward or away from us in the depth dimension.
We can see a little bit around solid objects without moving our heads and we can even perceive and measure
"empty " space with our eyes and brains.
If You've Got Stereo Vision, Count Your Blessings!